Theoretical Framework

 Wednesday 29th of September 
Lo: to apply the theoretical framework to media texts 

Media Language
- All the different elements used to construct any media product 


Establishing shot- tells us where the scene is taking place, usually at the opening of scenes- location 
Wide shot-  will include a person or objects 
Full/full shot- shows the objects, all of the person
Medium/mid shot- neutral shot,  ends above the head
Medium close up-  head to chest , close up 
Close up shot-  zooms in on the face 
extreme close up-   focuses on the eyes or pacific detail 

Soundtrack includes all sound heard in a film/TV show:
-sound effects 
Diegetic-  anything you would hear if you were in the scene 
Non Diegetic -  sounds that have been added to the film like music 

The Bourne identity -diegetic- 
- punching                        -bone breaking 
- objects falling                -footsteps
- rustling of paper 
- voices 

-Lighting                         -actor positioning 
-costume                         -body language
-props                             -set up
-setting                           - facial expression 
-hair and makeup 

-pace and speed of cuts 
-green screening 


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