Media Language Analysis

Wednesday 6th of October 
Lo: To analyse a media text using media language

-The camera shot is a medium long shot 
-I think they have chosen this camera shot to hook more people into watching the film, as he is wearing different style of clothes then he what he normally wears. Also to capture more detail like facial expressions, him holding a gun in his hand, holster, shadows and more. If they had did a mid shot or a close up you wouldn't seen much of the detail such as the: holster, gun and style of clothing. 

-The clothing in the poster gives us the feeling of him being a hitman as he is wearing casual clothes, with black gloves which could surgests that he doesn't want to leave any evidence behind like some sort of spy. He is also wearing a watch which links with the title (no time to die) giving us the impression that there is some sort of pressure of time like a bomb or a mission that is limited in time as the font is military based suggesting his background has something to to do with the military. The background is cold showing wealth, money, pride etc... His facial impression is sturdy, concentrated and serious. The holster and the gun also tell us that the genre it is under is violence and action. 

diegetic sounds
motorbike-  to create suspense, noise, more exciting 
voices- hook people in, know what it is about
gunshots- to show serious violence and action, danger, threat 
explosives- to create a scene and suspense
helicopter-  to create more action, powerful 

Fades to black- to show a brake in the time 
transitions slow in the beginning then get faster- to build tension and excitement 

The camera shot of this poster is a medium long shot, to portray all the detail like the bow and arrow, what she is wearing, the wings, fire and her facial expressions. It also catches the position she is stood like -which makes her look confident and powerful. The medium long shot also expresses the detail in her clothes, wings, face and more this makes it ore interesting and creates more suspense on what the film is about. 
The clothes she is wearing tells us that she is like a warrior/ fighter. The colour choice in the poster surgests danger, the colour orange symbolises endurance and strength this gives a clear view of what the film is about. The arrow that she is holding surgests that she is a archer. The way her hair is tied back, can also represent she is fighting for a lot of the film. The font style 
What do these things tell us?
These things tell us the type of genre it is so for this film it is: science fiction, thriller, adventure friction and more. It gives us so many possibilities and what it could be about and what genre it is under. The character on the poster also shows that she is the main character of the film meaning she will be in the movie a lot. 
Wednesday 13th of October 
Dune -Editing- 
-slow to quick transitions to each scene 
-fades to black 
-changes to black page with writing the end 
-Pace of the transitions varies throughout the trailer 
-supernatural effects
-special effects (computer generated imagery) 

The editing in the Dune trailer, is used effectively to create special effects. For example, in the scene where there was explosives in a desert sort of place the director uses CGI - computer generated imagery. This gives the impression of violence and action and makes the audience think more about what the movie is about and creates more suspension into watching it. 


  1. This is an excellent first analysis Natasha! Well done.
    WWW: you've used lots of accurate terminology
    EBI: you try to use the term 'connotes' or 'connotations' as well.


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