What is Media?

 Wednesday 15th September

LO: to discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives 

Types of Media:

-Streaming sites 
-Chat rooms
-E books
-TV shows 
-Social Media

What is the purpose of media?
-Social interaction 

Media and Me:
Films-  i like comedy and crime movies 
TV shows- i just watch whatever my parents are watching, i sometimes watch Netflix
Music-  i love listening to music, my favourite type is most probably pop music 
Games-  play the odd thew games when im bored 
Social Media- i use tiktok the most, but also use whats app and snapchat

Why did i chose media?
i chose media because i like doing stuff with computers like creating, programming and coding. i also want to do something that involves media in the future.

is this what you thought it would be?
Yes, i knew media would involve social plat forms and apps and i really enjoy it already.

Media influence
i think Media is very powerful as it can hook you into something without you noticing and that is everywhere. As and example games get very addicting, meaning people end up buying things.


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