Magazine Front Covers
Wednesday 27th April 2022
Lo: to identify the features on a magazine front cover; to explore genre codes and conventions
Masthead- The name of the magazine at the top if its a short title its to the left so people can recognise it --usually used as a logo for advertising and branding purposes-
Dateline- The date of when the magazine was released/month and year of publication -often put with the price- a monthly magazine usually hits the news-stands the month before the cover date.
Main image- The main image of what its about -covers most of the page and its major celebrity-
Cover lines- They follow a colour scheme - goes around the main image-
Main cover line- Promotes what the main feature will be about -very large and can go over the main image-
bar code/price- To purchase the magazine from in the shop - on the bottom-
tagline/strapline- Short, sharp description of the titles main marketing point
pull quote- A preview or a quote from the article
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