
 Wednesday 3rd May
Lo: to explore possible tasks and research similar products 

1- create a front cover and a double-page spread article for a health and fitness magazine aimed at an audience primarily of 14-18 year olds 
teen health
I will
have to produce 5 images of my own 
mental health
physical health

ideas: ask people who do different sports such as boxing, netball, hockey, weight lifting, football, rugby,tennis etc.. to do a group photo as a front cover picture. 

Wednesday 10th May 2023 
Lo: to research codes and conventions of similar products 


What kind of article do they include on the front page?

They all include either fitness, health or mental health associated images (one main image)

What is on the cover:objects, activities, models or celebrities?
things that link in to the title for example physical fitness, there is a model who is wearing sports clothing and in a gym. In health magazines they include a model that looks fresh and happy 
How is the colour scheme chosen?
The colour scheme sometimes matches with the colours in the photo and stay in the range of 2-3 colours. 

where is the masthead and what font is used?
The masthead is usually seen to be at the top of the magazine. The font on all magazines seem to be bold and serif font. 

How many images are on the cover?
1 main image is used on the front cover

How may cover lines are used?
There are roughly 5 cover lines on each magazine, but some include more 

What institutional information is included and where is it placed?
The barcode is seen to always be on the bottom of the magazine left or right depending on the image on the front cover. 

How many different fonts are used and how do they vary? 
they use different fonts for the cover lines compared to the title 

How are puffs used?
using a pop of colour half way through a sentence to make it more eye catching and draw more attention to the piece of text 



How are DPS laid out?
They include normally one main image with bold writing as a sub title to make it stand out and inform what the two pages are about. 

How many images are used in a DPS?
4 or more images are used normally 1 big main one then smaller ones to accompany it. 

How many fonts are used and how do they vary? 
the main title of the dps is bigger and bolder than the rest of the writing so that it stands out and catches the eye of the reader so that they will carry on reading. They also use a smaller font for body text and serif font. 

How is the text organised in the DPS?
they are arranged in a column view (grid layout) and is written in black so that it stands out from the white background 

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Magazine 1:
What house style (characteristics used to differentiate the brand from others) is established by the use of font/colour/images/layout?
the main image is placed over the masthead with the date being under the masthead. 

production values (are they high,mid or low?)

What ideologies are represented?(the values and aspirations [idea and goals that are important too people] they present to the audience) link to target audience.
fitness and food

How is colour palette and typography used?
the font style stays the same throughout the magazine at sans serif font. Contains a bright colour palette which includes yellows,oranges,greens etc...

How are the people or areas featured represented?
they are presented to be happy and healthy/fit with glowing skin,white teeth etc....

Who is the target audience and how does it appeal to them?
For adults, this is done by using the main image as a more older mature woman who is healthy. This would appeal to the older audience due to the age similarity.

How can you tell the cover and DPS are from the same magazine? (branding)
It includes the masthead in some of the DPS as a reminder for example 'welcome to women's health' on the second DPS provided. 

 Magazine 2:
What house style (characteristics used to differentiate the brand from others) is established by the use of font/colour/images/layout?
there is a use of pink for the masthead and cover lines to make it stand out and look more ecstatic to contrast with fitness. It contains more cover lines and information.

production values (are they high,mid or low?)

What ideologies are represented?(the values and aspirations [idea and goals that are important too people] they present to the audience) link to target audience.
it uses catch lines to make the audience feel motivated to reach their goals in fitness. It includes different ideas in the magazine such as not  including only one thing, but others to contrasts with it. Such as going to the gym,running, eating healthy etc...

How is colour palette and typography used?
the font varies from sand serif to serif with colour palette of pink,blue,yellow and black 

How are the people or areas featured represented?
to match the point of the magazine the people are represented as fit and healthy in sports clothes 

Who is the target audience and how does it appeal to them?
the target audience is for adults as they use older people to photoshoot to make it more relatable to the older generation more than the younger.

How can you tell the cover and DPS are from the same magazine? (branding)
It contains pink throughout the DPS and for subheadings. It also includes the masthead at the side of each page number 

typography- Sans serif depends on images 
image shot type and content- photos of tennis(establishing shot/long shot),mountain biking (long shot) , rugby (mid shot/long shot), hockey 
masthead- sans serif white or black 
cover layout- Long shot main image that includes younger people, barcode on either bottom right or left depends on the image cover lines surrounding it with pull quotes 
content- physical fitness
colour palette- maybe red depends on the main image 
DPS layout-  include colours from the main cover, title at the bottom of the page by page number 
include 4-5 images (tennis,netball, rugby,gym,biking)

Wednesday 14th June 2023

name-  GO FINESS 
tagline- fitness starts with your friends 
house style (pinterest board/images)- 
colour palette- green/turquoise
cover image ideas- having maybe a group of mixed teenagers playing sports together or a male and female standing next to each other with different sports equipment.
possible cover lines (5 minimum)-
info to include(barcode)- barcode on the bottom of the magazine left of right depending on themain image 
DPS image ideas(4 needed)- images of gym, hockey, netball, rugby etc... (a variation of different sports for a mixed gender magazine. 
DPS layout ideas (images) - have maybe one main image with writing over the top then other small ones on the opposite page 
representations (how will the people in your product be represented?)
how are you going to make it appeal to your target audience?-  make it relatable 

Wednesday 21st June 2023 
Lo: explore the use of Adobe illustrator to create a magazine masthead or logo 

Wednesday 28th June 2023
Lo:To research our target audience to enable successful targeting 

14-18 year olds 
Cover 1:
-interests people who is in a business and are ambitious to improve
- middle mages men (30-50)
-targeted at men due to the choice of words in the cover lines

Cover 2:
-targeted for woman due to the main image being a girl, but also the choice of words that woman are more interested in.
-for younger/middle (20-30) aged woman 
-interests woman who want to have a fitter body 

Cover 3:
-targeted for people who are interested in Daniel Craig 
-for a male audience as his facial expressions are serious 

Age range- 14-18 year olds 
gender- mixed
education-  in school- high school/college 
interests- sport/ influenced to start sport 

How would they think of school? 
repetitive and boring ( want to get outside and play around etc...)
What hobbies would they have?
some sort of active hobby 
Where would they most likely live?
rural areas
favourite subjects?
p.e or something active like practicles etc...
what is important to them?
playing or interacting with their friends/ getting outside
why would your product appeal to them?
to get them ambitious and feel like they can relate to something. 

type of magazine:

Wednesday 12th July 2023 

Wednesday 19th July 2023 

Wednesday 6th September 

Wednesday 13th September 2023 
Lo: to recap brief criteria and to explore how to create affective representations.

How is you cover going to follow the layout conventions of a front cover? a main image with cover line around it to link in with the DPS. 
How is your DPS going to be about and how will it be laid out? My DPS will be about fitness in sports so will include sports equipment, clothing etc...
how will the genre of your magazine be made clear over both pages? will use sport related imagery that meets the criteria of the age group 14-18. 

To Do list:
-i need to take a picture of someone with football boots and ball 
- picture of sports equipment 

Wednesday 27th September 2023 

Do now:
magazine cover lines for my health and fitness magazines:
- its you vs you 
- escape reality and be adventurous 
-be your young self 

Wednesday 4th October 2023


Wednesday 1st November 2023 

Do Now:
The different types of health and fitness articles you have in a magazine;
how to....
problem page 

Article writing 
Lo:To create a convincing article for a teen health and fitness magazine using appropriate language, tone and representation 

images (varied in size)
sub headings 
font style 
drop cap 

who/what is on your cover? a group of teenagers 
what is the article about? going out and doing sport/exercise 
what are the images going to be of? different sports some posed and some having fun to give a mixture 
what page numbers are going to be on. the bottom? 16, 17 
Will you have the same font as on the cover? the masthead and the headline will link to show that they are related 
Will the magazine name be on the pages? yes by the page numbers 
what sub headings will be on the DPS? Ways to improve your fitness-  meals(food prep), sports, timeout 

for my DPS, i was thinking about having a headline 'ways to improve you' and having sub headings of different subjects such as 'food prep' 'sports' 'timeout' through out the page and have one thing for each. for example a recipe, different sport activities and how to have time to yourself 


    Good research into conventions and great analysis

    Basic but good

    A good start - which masthead did you go with?
    I'd like to see more about how you're going to target teens. Love the group shot idea for the cover


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