Lights Camera Action

Monday 1st November 2021
Lo:To apply narrative theory to our own ideas

1. ?
2. ?
3. Harry potter 
4. ?
5. polar express
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?

Narrative Stages 
-Equilibrium- everything in the film world is normal
-Disruption- something happens 
-Recognition of disruption- the protagonist realise that something went wrong in their world 
-Attempt to solve disruption- solve the problem 
-New equilibrium- something new happens 
Task 1
Equilibrium-  It is set in a forest next to abandoned houses with cobbled street which leads to the forest , time set around midnight and is cold dark place, dead crispy leaves all over the floor, lamp posts flickering, skinny dead-looking trees, eerie silence, wind whistling like they were talking to each other, streaks of light beamed through from the moon.
Disruption- main character hears weird noises and feels like he is being watched over, hears footsteps on the leaves, hears whispering in his ear, keeps hallucinating dark figures in the distance like demons or dark spirits. 
Recognition of disruption- He is suddenly dragged away by what felt like claws, the figure was unrecognisable, the face was dark with blood dripping from their mouth. Growling noise was the only thing he could hear. 
Attempt to solve disruption-  He manages to grab onto a tree and free himself from the figure and run in different directions to loose the creepy dark figure. He no longer heard growling noises and saw light from the edge of the forest. 
New Equilibrium- He manages to arrive to his house far away from the forest, but the growling noise was still being heard even though he could not see anyone. A few days later he was found dead in his house with claw marks all over his body. 

Task 2 
Equilibrium- forest 
Disruption- spirits and dark figures in the forest 
Recognition and disruption- dark figure dragging a man into the darkness of the forest 

Lesson 4 
Monday 15th November 2021
Lo: to explore the use of camera work in films 

1. ?
2. ?
3. sonic ✔
4. ?
5. star wars ✔

Extreme close up

close up

medium close up

mid shot

Long shot 

Establishing shot 

Aerial shot/birds eye view 

Low angle shot

High angle shot

Canted angle

point of view shot

Over the shoulder shot 

Camera movement 
zoom- zooming in 
pan- fixed point that goes side to side 
tilt- camera is fixed but tilts 
dolly- like a zoom but the camera is moving with them 
truck- similar to pan
pedestal-  move the camera up and down

1. movement of the camera either up or down is a pedestal 
2. movement of the camera from side to side -tripod fixed- is a pan 
3. movement of the camera  and tripod left to right is a truck 
4. movement of the camera and tripod towards and away from the subject is a dolly 
5. a shot of one eye on a persons face is a extreme close up 
6. a shot showing all of a persons body is a long shot
7. a shot from the waist to the top of the head is a medium close up 
8. an extreme long shot of a building or setting  -usually the fist shot in a scene is a - establishing shot
9. a shot from the window of an airplane is a point of view shot 
10. a shot looking up to something/someone is a hight angle shot 

James bond -No time to die- 
1. three different shots that were used:
long shot
close up
mid shot 
2. A long shot is seen at sort of the middle to the start of the trailer when he jumped off the bridge  and a close up was when he was in the car 
3.  In there eyes you could see there story of violence and fear

Lesson 5
Monday 29th November 2021
lo: to explore the use of setting and colour in films 

1. An isolated house in a rural setting is good for a horror film because there is nothing for miles as a rural setting means its out of city so this gives it a creepy feeling.
2. A big city for an action film is an amazing setting for an action film because there a lot of things going on in a small place giving it more depth and meaning for danger and action.
3. A small seaside town is good for a romantic comedy because it i a small place and most romantic films are set in the warmth by the sea to give it a relaxing feel.
4. A range of different countries is really good for a action adventure film because its shows a variety of places to experience this makes it an exciting film. 
5. A large modern science laboratory for a science-fiction is a great setting because it gives a real-life feeling and more meaning to the film. 

1. blue and red for a super hero costume is good because it already traditional as other superheroes wear them colours in their costumes. Also red represents bold, passionate, determined, romance and blue shows wisdom, coldness and confidence.
2. A black suit for a villain makes them stand out more black also represents power, death, danger, darkness and mystery. 
3. Bright colours for a comedy film is  to make it cheerful and happy. Bright colours also represent warmth,  happiness,  fun and more. 

Setting and colour:
1. Places where the action takes place: space, field, Tokyo, funeral -memories, London, plane,  isolated house.
2. the Story is set in them particular places to create suspense as it moves from a calm scene like in the filed to a busy city. 
3. when and how the setting changes- the setting at the start fades to black slowly then gets faster the further you go through the trailer. They also change when you have seen a glimpse of what was going on in that setting so like every 2-3 seconds. 
4. The setting affects how the character behaves because if its a cold place or if there in a setting where there is guns they look serious and powerful but when a character is in the park showing a girl how to use a bow an arrow they are happy 
5. you could tell where the story was taking place by the camera shots like establishing shots and long shots as it has a bigger view of the background.
6. I think the same story could have been taking in another location because there are more crowded cities, but i think the setting that it was done in was the best place as it gives the best affect. 
7. you can tell where the story was taken place by the setting of where everything is this is shown in the bigger cities as they still look new. 
8. There are clues like the style of clothing and food for when the film was set 
9. Certain colours like black and white are to show us of a past  memory or situation 

Will Smith
Genre- The setting of the film tell us that it is a action/violence film 
colour- connotes that it is old or deserted 
character- choice in clothing shows us that its slightly old
background- shows that there was some sort of attack or fight  
28 days later
Genre- The red background shows us that it is a horror film 
Image- The black image shows us the setting and a lonely person 
title- is bold and pain 

Get Creative:
A science fiction film set 1000 into the future will be set in a dark cold laboratory that looks abandoned. There is shards of glass on the floor with broken test tubes like there has been a fight. The hero wears a clean white scientist cloak to represent purity, peace, softness, innocence and perfection. Therefore the villain has a white/ blackish scientist cloak that is ripped on the edges and muddy at the bottom to show darkness and fear to show the scientist's personality by how he chooses to wear his clothes. 

lesson 6 
Monday 13th December 2021
Lo: to explore different styles of photography 


Giants and monsters 

 in the classroom  
who- Natasha, Abbie, Paige                →
who is taking the picture- Paige
props- camera

WWW: the camera angle of this photo i think went really well as it has both of us in it 
EBI: Abbie was in the centre of my hand 

Reflections/ mirror
where- in the classroom 
who- Natasha, Abbie, Paige             →
Who is taking the picture- Abbie
props- camera, iMac           

ground level / looking up
Looking up
where-  in the classroom
who- Natasha, Abbie, Paige 
who is taking the picture- Natasha 
props-  Camera 

Ground level 
Where-  outside
who-  Natasha, Abbie, Paige 
who is taking the picture- Paige 
props-  camera 

WWW: the camera was put on a slight angel to look upwards 

jump shot 
jump shot 2

Jump shot 
where-  outside 
who-  Natasha, Abbie, Paige
who is taking the picture- Abbie
props- camera 

WWW: we had at least one person in the air as the picture was taken.

EBI: the timing could have been quicker  

Lesson 8
Monday 24th of January 
lo: to explore the use of Mise-en-scene

1. home alone
2. iron man
3. spider man
4. titanic
5. pirates of the caribbean
6. transformers
7. the incredibles
8. the lion king
9. return of the jedi 
10. finding Nemo

whose room is this?
-boy                       -scruffy/messy
-likes music
-late teenager 

Mise-en-scene definition
it is a french term meaning what is put into a scene or frame, visual information in front of the camera
MES communicates essential information to the audience, each aspect of mise-en-scene has hidden meanings within a film. 

1. A science fiction film:
setting-  set in the future, space, another dimension, different world/universe, modern places 
props-  styled costumes, bright lighting, robots, unrealistic robots/technology, futuristic. 

Romantic comedy: 
setting-  blossom trees, beach, hot places, picnics, restaurant 
props- dresses, fancy clothes, blankets, light 

settings-  isolated places, abandoned and neglected house, haunted town/ deserted, dark cramped forest
props- dolls, blood, ripped clothes, bloody weapons, 

2. Costume, hair, makeup 
picture 1- we can tell by the picture and how the character -Indiana jones- is dressed what personality he has such as:
we learn this by looking at what is in the picture like his face is hasn't been shaved suggesting that he has been out for a while, he has a bag strap around his shoulder meaning he has packed and is ready to go somewhere, hair greasy showing that he is a warm place and has been doing something like walking etc...
picture 2: we learn in this picture that the girl personality is like:
-wanna be girl/barbie 
we are shown this by how she dresses and her facial expressions. This is because she wears pink and a short skirt as well as false nails and jewellery. she wears these to try and impress other people in the film as a role. 
picture 3: In the picture of the joker, how he is dressed tell us all about him such as:
This is because of the style and makeup like tried eyes, greasy hair are all to tell us that he is slightly depressed and lonely 

3. facial expressions and body language 
The first picture shows:
-calm and quite
-formal/ awkward 
The picture tells us that the family eat in peace but their facial expressions tell us something different as by the way they are looking at each other, they might have had a fight or an argument which involves all of them as the farther has tilted his head. 
In the second picture it shows: 
We learn from this picture that they have just been fighting by how they stand to show power that they have won as everyone is looking at the one in the middle with smirks 

lighting and colour:
low key lighting- 
produces sharp contrasts of light and dark areas, deep, distinct shadows/silhouettes are formed 
high key lighting- 
lighting is natural and realistic to our eyes, produces brightly lit sets or a sunny day. 

The lighting and colour of the picture sugests that it is in the older days and are in a old dark house something to inspect 

positioning of people/objects 
picture one:
tells us that they don't want to sit next to each other and feel awkward by ho w their body is positioned on the sofa 
picture two: 
shows us that they are like brothers and have got each others back. 

Lesson 9
Monday 7th February 2022
Lo: to experiment with foley and sound effects 

In the following scene, the setting of the background tells us that there in a posh dining room. This is shown by the old pictures and the use of gold that it is also set in the old days. The facial expressions of the two guards are stern and serious showing us that this part of the scene is tense. The character in the middle gives us the impression that he has been captured and is being calm about it this is all seen in the way he stands and what his facial expressions show. In this scene, they used high key lightening as well as low key lighting to give the impression of in the 19s or even older. 

Creative task-science fiction laboratory:
1. setting- lab,clean,dissection table, 
props- microscopes, blood tubes, needles, glass computers, lab coats, robots, 
2. costumes- clean lab coats, black leather boots, modern watches 
makeup- light makeup high key lighting to show futuristics and pick up modern objects as well as bright lighting.
low key lighting- for the darker places to create suspense 

Clip 1:
sounds- draw opening, tv, pressing a button on a remote, jam being spread on bread, water , dialogue, spoon dinging on a mug, toilet flushing, teeth brushing, breathing heavily, clicking of a mirror, door shutting. 

Task 2- pratical:
When videoing little sounds like the running of the tap or the rustle of a peace of paper,  the mic picked up more sounds than we wanted it to meaning the original sound was distracted by the background noise as well as the original sound not being loud enough. We found out that the scrapping of a spoon matches the sound of lighting a match stick being set on fire and the rustle of paper sounded like someone walking over leaves. 

Lesson 10
Monday 28th February 2022
Lo: To explore the disaster movie genre 

Disaster movies:
independence day 
the impossible 
white house down 

White house down:
Synopsis-  John Cale was turned down from protecting the president, but when things couldn't get worse the white house was attacked and John took matters into his hands and protected James Sawer (president) whilst trying to find his daughter who is in danger of the terrorists who are also loose in the house. 
Disaster- Terrorists take over the white house and want James Sawer to launch Russian missiles 

Main character- jake/Gerard Butler (male). Strong, smart, resilient, brave, caring for everyone.
Storyline-  It includes the main character saving everyone by travelling to space and help fix the space station that he created as it was starting storms across earth. This leads to him powering up the system as a suicidal mission to save his family as well as the whole world.
Category-  This film falls under natural disasters this is because there was: tornadoes/hurricanes, tsunami, earthquakes. 
ending- It ends with the disaster being solved and the main character and his friend makes it out alive in a space pod that delivers shipment.
travel-  The main character has to travel to space to fix the problem/disaster. 

jurassic world 
Main character-  Owen Grady: fearless, brave, Clear Dearing: smart, resilient. Are the two main ones 
Storyline- Exploring a island full of dinosaurs and dangers. When something goes extremely wrong and a lab dinosaur escapes her cage and runs loose. Creating a scene of disasters. 
Category-  This film falls under an attack (from aliens or dinosaurs)
Ending- The two main characters help get the two kids to safety and fall in love.
travel-  The kids travelled to jurassic park, but the main characters don't really travel 

1. characters
2. setting
3. actions 
4. props 
5. colour connotations 
6. narrative suggestions 
7. text elements 
8. other genres included 

Creative task- My disaster movie ides: 
1.  Main Character- Aurora 22 years old. Her job is a geologist -who examines rocks in volcanos and predicts when a volcano is about to erupt and how long the will be dormant. 
2. disaster- the biggest volcano in the world is about to erupt and Aurora has to come up with a life threatening decisions on how to save the world without wiping out the whole human race. 
3. three other characters- Auroras father(Jake) and her boyfriend Levi 
4. Someones death- at the start of the film (12 years ago), Auroras younger sister Alana -who was 3 years younger than her. where at the beach and a tsunami had wiped through their village and killed her sister as she was playing outside her house on her bike.  
5. disaster- another volcano erupts next to the biggest one causing panic as geologists where examining that one killing 2 people as others ran away. 
6. overcome disaster- Aurora comes up with an idea to drain the lava and empty it into the sea to cool it the lava down 
7. ending scene- everyone is relaxed in the big paradise island.  

Lesson 11
Monday 14th March 2022 
Lo: To effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

Do now:
1. The day after tomorrow 
2. 2012
3. Impossible
4. war of the worlds 
5. Godzilla 
6. twister 

Trailer 1- The burning sea 
1. Characters-  Sofia, William, Stian,  Ronny 
2. Setting- sea, ships, oil brigs 
3. actions- sea explosions 
4. props- ships -equipment-, helicopters,  ship wrecks, hospital, house, oil brigs 
5. colour- dark
6. narrative

Trailer 2- The impossible
1. Characters- Naomi, harry, sam, Lucas 
2. Setting- beach, hotel, 
3. actions- tsunami, 
4. props- lanterns, cars, 
5. colour- natural light, bright as its in a sunny area
6. narrative- natural disaster, finding family members 

Trailer 3- ad astra 
1. Characters- Roy McBride, Clifford McBride, Helen Lantos 
2. Setting- space
3. actions- explosions
4. props- rockets, space equipment 
5. colour- dim lighting,  dark as its mainly set in space 
6. narrativeHelping the world 

Summary of my movie- Global Eruption: 
At the start, 2043 auroras sister (Alana) was 9 and Aurora was 12 when a volcano eruption and her sister was killed. 13 year later (2056) Aurora is 19 years old and is studying geology in uni when she is taken away by the secret service to investigate on a volcano -which is threatening to erupt near the same volcano that killed her sister. She creates machine that controls the level of magma in the base of the volcano, but this cause another dangerous eruption of the volcano that killed her sister. This creates a bigger problem to solve, how will she save the world from a global change? 

It is set in the Caribbean's island from 2043-2060, climate change and plastic is no longer a thing. 90% of the materials is hard glass. Glass, blueprint devices -no more phones and computers. Trains that reach over 200 mph and travel under water, instead of planes. Drones used by the government to track down criminals -levelled up from police. Clothing would be formal (black and white) mainly suits on Monday to Friday and clothes of your choice on Saturday and Sunday. Starts with her sister dying and ends with her marrying her boyfriend Levi -who she met when she was finding out ways to save the world at the MI6.  
CGI- natural explosions (volcano), robot voices,  
Lighting- high key lighting. Bright to make it look futuristic and new to the eyes 

Lesson 12
Monday 28th March 2022
Lo: to effectively develop and idea for a disaster movie 

Narrative theory 

do now- conventions of a disaster film:
-life threatening disaster 
-world wide impact 

Equilibrium- The movie is set in in a countryside which is situated on the border of a city. The country surfers from a lot of dormant volcanoes, but it none of them have threatened to erupt for over 800 years. 
Disruption-  A girl named Aurora researches the volcano that ended her sisters life -the deadliest volcano in the world.- for over 5 years and has so much knowledge of volcanoes.The volcano starts showing signs of waking up and could tensionally lead to a global impact that could end extinction for the any living being on the planet. 
Recognition of disruption-  The government start to realise the disaster that is about to happen in at least 6 months. They found out about Aurora and tracked her down for hope of any way to solve the problem. 
Attempt to solve-  travels the world to find other specialists and group together to come up with a idea to solve the problem under supervision of the secret service. 
new equilibrium- The group make a very expensive monitor that controls the flow of the larva in the volcano and stops it from erupting. The monitor wasn't stronger enough and without them realising the monitor breaks and have roughly a week before the volcano will erupt and cause a global impact. 

Hero- Aurora (19) and Levi (21)
Villain-  second in command (vice president), satan -who dries to assassinate Aurora and is behind the problem of the volcano. 
The donor- first person in control of the world gives Aurora and levi anything to help them solve the problem 
The helper- Callum Levis' friend who works as an assistant for Satan gives Aurora and Levi advice and updates on what Satan is doing
The princess- Aurora 
The dispatcher-  1st commander from the secret service send her and levi away to create an invention that could save the planet and everything on it. 
The princesses father- Martin her father who adopted her after her parents died in a car crash. He doesn't want her to go near the volcano after he finds out that it might erupt soon.  
The false hero- Levi, grows a friend/relationship with Aurora and helps her out and gets her what she needs 

Lesson 12
Monday 25th April 2022 
Lo: to effectively develop an idea for a disaster movie 

A girl who has suffered from past trauma, lives an unsettled in the countryside. As her sisterly bound died 13 years ago when all the secrets where unleashed. Ever since, a blanket of eariness caped the island as dormant volcanoes started to awake one by one, killing hundreds of people without any mercy. Whilst Aurora grieves from her past reminiscence, she starts to create knowledge of all the volcanoes to end the misery. With the whole government by her side, will her creation save everyone on the island or will it make things worse?

1. "i am hungry" 

stomach growling 
2. "I've lost the cat" 

ravishing rood 

trying to find the cat
3. "Im so tired" 
no energy 


4."Im late for school" 

rushing around 

opening of the movie (start)
Aurora and Alana (her sister) are sitting on a coach travelling to a dormant volcano by bus. 

    "How much longer?"

Alana slides down her seat and huffs in frustration

    "Be patient, we are nearly there" 
    "I cant wait any longer....Look you can see the top                   of the volcano!"

Alana points to the volcano sitting on the edge of her seat and Aurora hums in appreciation whilst closing her eyes and crossing her arms. 

    "Sis are you not even a bit excited!?" 

          "they are dangerous Al"

the bus comes to a halt. Alana jumps out of her seat and runs out of the bus in excitement. Aurora plodded along behind Alana until they reached the crater. 
   "Woah, its so hot sis"

Aurora hums both of them standing side by side as Alana tries to edge closer.  
   "i wonder how hot the larva is"

   "Its magma" 

Alana scowls at Aurora and turns her head to look at her.  

   "Alright then "magma" Einstein"

Alana mocks the word "magma" with hand actions  
The volcano starts to steam up 

  "since your smart why is it steaming up?"

  "I don't know, but it doesn't look good. We should keep               our distance Al"

Aurora steps back and tries to grab Alana's hand. 
  "No, i have not sat in a bus for 3 hours to stand back"

Lesson 13
Monday 9th May 2022 
Lo: to explore how a film is made and the various industry role

The big 6:
- Disney
- Universal
- Sony 
- Fox 
- warner brothers 
- paramount 

Film industry jobs:
- actor 
- script writer 
- producer 
- prop designer
- makeup and hair artist  
- editor 
- director of photography 
- runner 
- sound designer 

location manager-  the person that finds the right location for a film, show or shoot. They deal with negotiating rates for locations and make sure that both the space and the film production are respected.
gaffer- the person who is in charge of the lighting and power department on a film set.They work in pre-production and production to help with setting up lights and running cables. 
Grip- People who make sure sets and rigs are safely built and maintained, they are kind of named as "handymans" as they make sure everything is maintained and positioned correctly for peoples safety and does anything that involves cameras.

Process of a film making:
- the film idea goes to the studio executives 
- they film with green screens

pre-production- comes early in the film making process, but after the development and before production -which involves: finalising the script, hiring actors and crew, finding locations, figuring out the budget and what equipment you will need. 
production- is when the shooting begins and recording and tasks that must be completed or executed during the the filming or shooting 
post production- everything between production ad creating the final master copy -which includes editing of audio/music and visual materials to create the film. 

Film distribution:
-characters sneak peak 
-release movie 
-release behind the scenes 

merchandise can also be apart of the things above. 

Lesson 14

Monday 23rd May 2022 
Lo: to develop an effective film marketing strategy 

market or promote a film:


You see movie posters on social media,movie theatres,shops, waiting areas and transport 
The distributer chooses these places as they are naturally busy places and will get more interest as well as outcome this would make the film more popular. 
Elements/information on posters:
-bright colours 
-character info 

All of the disaster movies above have a colour pallet of dark cold or hot colours. The colour red and orange symbolise danger,war,anger and heat. Whilst cold and dark colours symbolise power, darkness and cills. All the font have a colour pallet of white,red and orange this implies domination, aggression, power. The images also describe an unfortunate event of a disaster to give a suspense and a feeling of distress. On the posters, they all use low key lighting to bring out a serious tone towards the film to make it mysterious and dramatic.

This poster suggests that its disastrous as it is shown in the main image -which includes dark cold colours to connote fear, power,  anger to include the terror and vulnerability from the low-key lighting. 
There is a cold chilling atmosphere in the poster created by the dark and gloomy colours in the background to give a sense of damage and disruption in the film. This makes it look more mysterious and dark -which makes it more suspenseful. 
It contains bold font to show the seriousness and catch the attention to the audience. The sharp edges in the letters show the sense of urgency and panic as well as the feeling of shouting and heaviness.  

Lesson 14 

Monday 13th June 2022
Loto create film marketing material
                                                                Movie marketing

Do now:
Conventions we need to see in a movie poster:
-main image 
-release date
-actors names 

www: i added the disaster photo and a background of maths sums faintly to show the problems that are involved. 

Lesson 15
Monday 11th July 2022

The trailer 'sniper:the white raven', uses distributes like dark cold scenes (low-key lighting and high-key lighting), also include dramatic scenes 

Actions- yes
non-diegetic- no
shot type-yes


  1. 29/11- good notes, target: 2. more detail in the colour choices for the film idea, explain the choices you make for colour in terms of setting as well not just outfits.

  2. 4/1/22- Great styles here, T 3 think about the backdrop and what is in it.

  3. 15/3- Great detail on the storyline. T: 2. More detail in Describing when and where your film is set
    3. More detail on what is the overall mood of the film? How will you show this through costumes or settings?
    4.More detail on how should your film be shot? You could consider special effects, CGI, camera angles, Steadicam, tripod or handheld cameras, colours used and anything else.
    5. More detail on what is the message behind your film?

  4. 25/4-Great work: T 4. Try adding stage directions to include how the dialogue is said.


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