Music Magazines

 Monday 20th March 
Lo: to explore the magazine industry, ownership, regulation and revenue 

conglomerate- a thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are grouped together 
globalised- develop or be developed so as to make international influence or operation possible 
diversify- where a media company moves from producing one type of product to creating different media forms. 
regulation- an official rule or the act of controlling something 
revenue- the money generated from normal business operations, calculated as the average sales price times the number of units sold. 
circulation- a count of how many copies of a particular publication are distributed

who publishes...
TV- future PLC's group of weekly television listings magazines
Radio times- immediate media
 TV choice- H, Bauer publishing
Take a break- H Bauer UK 
Good housekeeping- Jane Francisco 
Glamour- Conde Nast publications
Inside soap- Hearst magazines 

Companies that own British magazines:
Bauer media-  is the Europe's leading digital commercial radio broadcaster and audio operator. It is a German multimedia conglomerate. 
immediate media company- is a British multinational publishing house that currently publishes a significant range of titles, including radio times, BBC top gear, BBC good food and others. 
Future publishing ltd -  a leading platform for specialist consumer and B2B content. An American leading corporation specialising in targeted magazines and websites in the video games, music and technology markets. 

-Bauer owns over 80 media UK magazines  
-Bauer media audio operate over 150 radio brands including absolute radio, KISS, hits radio networks, magic, RMF and mix megapool. 
-Bauer media group is a diversified media conglomerate because  it has a network of over 100 magazines, 150 radio stations, 70 podcasts and 500 websites. 

Monday 17th April 2023 

different music genres:
-pop                    -classical
-country              -instrumental 
-rock                   -jazz
-rap                     -indie
-hip hop              -heavy metal 
-alternative         -dance 

In rock bands, they are seen the have long scruffy hair and are done in styles like mohawks etc... They are seen to be wearing tight jeans and some bands are seen to have tattoos and piercings as well as leather jackets so that there looks link in with the genre of music. In this image, they are seen to be using electric guitars to maybe show they create heavy metal or rock music. 
Rock music appeals to the ages from 16 to 29,30-49 and 50 upwards.
lyrics are sometimes about romantic love but also associated with political and social themes. 



In pop bands, they are seen to be wearing cropped clothing which is fashionable, branded clothing that is seen as popular in this present generation. In this image it is shown that they are also wearing makeup and their hair has been styled to make them look more modern -attractive. 
target audience for this genre would be for the young generation roughly from 16-25. 
The songs tend to focus on talking about relationships and love 

Dance music:

In this image, they used sparkly fashionable outfits to match the type of music that is been used for example fast exciting music may have been used in this image. 
The lyrics normally talking about overcoming problems etc..

you can tell by how the artist is represent what the genre of the music is. For example in rap music the artists wear rings and jewellery as well as tattoos 


country genre 

Monday 15 April 2023 
Lo:to explore the terminology and genres of popular music magazines 

Music magazines 

The hammer magazine, is rock genre due to the style of the image used and the dark colour palate whilst including red which could symbolise violence. The image includes leather jackets electric guitars, tattoos, hard facial expressions etc...

The billboard magazine, is pop music by the bright colours that are used to match the fun upbeat genre, but also reinforces the idea of it being pop by the use of a famous artist on the front cover wearing flowers to represent the feeling of happiness and spring. 
This typography of this magazine is serif as the main cover line and sans serif as the masthead, this shows that the font varies throughout the magazine cover. The layout of the words and the image makes the words flow around the page making it pleasant and easy to read. The mise-en-scene links in with the genre of music due to the fun pretty dress/costume she is wearing. 

Typography- the style and appearance of printed matter (writing)
layout- the way in which things are arranged out  
Lexis- the total stock of words in a language 
colour palette- a combination of colours that are displayed 
mise-en-scene- the arrangement of scenery , props etc. on stage of a theatrical production or on set of a film. 


Monday 5th June 2023
The colour palate used in rock magazines tends to be dark with bold titles to insinuate power and dominance. The camera shots varies from long shots to close up to show more of the outfit they are wearing. 
The colour palate in pop magazines consists of bright vivid colours to perhaps portray the fun and happy vibe to make the viewers feel welcomed. mainly close ups to show the jewellery and makeup

Hip-hop magazines have a colour palate of blacks and reds to maybe portray the violence and anger /rhythm within the music. The shot types change throughout each cover to present the person of the cover in more detail. 

Genre and target audience 
Lo: to identify target audiences for a variety of music magazine genres and link to genre codes 

audience magazine- age,interest,gender, masthead,colour palate, ethnicity 

demographics- age/gender, race,location, marital status and income
psychographics- personality, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyles 

This magazine cover would target and appeal more to the energetic, ecstatic, loud audience due to the main image giving the effect of movement and action.The use of a dark colour palate that includes red,white and black could connote a serious feeling but to also portray violence and power -which is also seen by the use of an exclamation mark and bold masthead to insinuate a loud shouting feeling.

Monday 19th June 2023 
Lo: to explore and define the magazine's target audience

-use of props to seem more interesting to the target audience for example the violin
-the colour palette is soothing and neutral to give it a calming affect and feel to the audience 
-her clothes are classic and elegant ,which contrasts with her natural makeup look to maybe insinuate that the main focus is on the music not her. 

MOJO Audience 
genre- it varies from classic and modern rock to folk, soul, country, electronic and experimental 
publisher- Bauer media
target audience- 30-45+ (mature audience)
Circulation figures- 52294 print copies 10439 digital copies 

The luxury brands have been more successful during the time of intense competition from online media.
This is because they have the advantages of the print media such as high quality photography, sophisticated language, familiar conventions and high quality printing paper. This advantage helped to attract advertisement from high status brands. 

mojo covers established and current musicians 

you get a monthly does of world class journalism and iconic photography to an audience of extremely passionate music consumers 

the readers are passionate about the music 

weekly magazines target more of the working class audience.
The quality month magazines target the middle class audience. 
The most popular weekly and monthly magazines have predominantly female readerships.

niche audience- a very specific target audience 

mojo audience
gender: four times as likely to be read by men than woman 
class: equal share of middle class and working class readers 
age: about 65% are over 35, but a higher proportion of 15-34 year olds 

mens magazines- top gear and mens health 

how they access music-  listened to it in his teenage years and began to explore the most timeless enduring rock bands
hobbies and interests- interests in bands like artic monkeys 
type of job and family life- 
personality- a massive fan of live music 
relationship to music- became a frequent user to streaming services, listened to his favourite bands in the car, house or with family and friends 
why they like mojo- given CDs with magazines

Monday 3rd July 2023 

film regulator- BBFC 
TV and radio regulator- OFCOM 
advertising regulator- ASA 
magazines and newspaper regulator- IPSO and IMPRESS 
video games regulator- VIDEO STANDARDS COUNCIL 

examples of contrasting media language:
mise-en-scene- in S8ter Boi, she wears gothic style close give the audience an impression that she is a rebel/tomboy. In teenage dirtbag he wears more casual clothes with a band t shirt to connote that he is styled like  a nerd to fit in with the narrative.
narrative style 

why producers on radio programmes target different audiences:
The radio 1 Live Lounge, has a mix of music genres like pop music to target all age boundaries. As well as local news on traffic to inform the older generation who are driving in local places. Commercial radios, use adverts as a way of being funded due to the radio being popular to a wide range of audience/age. In contrast, Radio 1 is funded by general TV taxes due to the use of no adverts.Radio 1 targets a range of audience because of the different producers used for example they use young producers that use slang etc.. to make the younger generation feel more relatable to them. Whereas if the producer is older it will attract an older audience. this is seen when stormzy sang in the live lounge and practiced 3 days in advance.The radio 1 uses upcoming singers to support them in their music and make the audience seem more interested in their music but to also meet their remit. The love lounge uses more younger presenters to create a younger audience of 15-29 year olds. 

the organisation that age rates films in the uk- BBFC 

why would a film release a video game linked to a  film
To strengthen the brand image of the film and its franchise so audiences develop greater brand awareness of the film and any sequels 
To extend the marketing of the film. so if the film flops they can still rely on the video game 

uses and gratifications of films
Personal identity- recognising themselves in the characters 
Information- video game can tell us more about the characters 
Entertainment- interesting, fun,exciting
Social interaction- talk about it, like the lego sets, video games, movie, merchandise 

Monday 17th July 2023 
Lo: to identify target audiences for a music magazine and analyse for the representations present 

Representation and target audience 

codes and conventions:
-main image 
-main cover line
-pull quote 
-color palete

Monday 11th September 2023 

Do Now:
You can tell that the target audience is a mix of female and males because the main image is a Drake -which some females find 'attractive'. The colour palate consists of white, black and yellow -which are gender neutral. 

In this image, it portrays musical education -which can be seen as posh- that is aimed at cultured and a educated, posh audience. The sophisticated language to links to the music 

Active audience:
reading a magazine, is a active experience because the reader has the choice to read, skip or reread the magazine. Magazines are more engaging as it is also their choice in what magazine they want to choose for example look at the covers and skip the ones that don't seem that interesting before buying them.

uses and gratifications; 
Personal identity 
Social interaction 

This mojo magazine, gives of rebellious features due to the style madonna is wearing. For example, her 'licking' the cross, shows that she is disrespecting the religion to give off a disobedient vibe to the image. The use of black and white also adds to this style. 

This context page reinforces information to the audience about the different music that it consists of. Therefor, it makes the reader have a more clear understanding of whats going on in the world of popular music. 

The entertainment in magazines, other a wide range of things to spike the audiences interests through free gifts (such as a CD) so that the audience can listen to their favourite music genre, but to also want them to buy more. The cover lines hold comedy and gossip to keep the audience intrigued. The main image also gives the audience a visual of the reality of superstars -something different from people see on a daily basis.  

It follows a simular format which substitutes from real-life conversations through gossip from the magazine which creates numerous debates between the readers and their friends. 

Monday 18th September 2023 
Lo: to understand exam style questions and practice exam questions 

P-  it contains a specific music taste by the main image. 
I- inside information of Dave and Elvis. This tells the audience that the magazine contains more of historical music. 
E- there is a free CD attached to the magazine. 
S- People could discuss about the CD and interesting cover line. 

Music industry: Q1 and Q2

Q1: 1 mark
1- Ofcom = regulates radio in the UK 
2- BBC = who owns radio 1
3-  for the benefit of the public = public service broadcasting 
4-convergence = the merging of previously separate media forms 
5-diversification= the term of branching out into other areas of business 
6- conglomerate= is a big company that owns a lot of different companies. e.g warner brothers 

Q2: 4 marks 
Music radio stations meet the requirements of public service broadcasting by using remit. For example they meet the age bracket by helping out upcoming artists in the live lounge and interviews to support their music and get a start on the industry as well as having popular artists like stormzy playing in the live lounge. 

Music video Q2: 
teenage dirtbag representations:
-teenage lifestyle (stereotypical popular and unpopular characters) for example jocks, nerds etc...
-American school

s8ter boi representations:
-rebellious teenagers 
-illegal gig 
-punk/ skater look 

The music videos teenage dirtbag and sk8ter boi creates different representations from one another by how the characters are presented. For example in teenage dirtbag, the teenagers are stereotypically represented as popular and unpopular students like jocks and nerds in an American school. Where as in sk8ter boi, they are seen as rebellious teenagers setting up an illegal gig in the middle of a city. 

Monday 25th September 2023
Lo: to explore exam style questions and practice exam techniques 

Do now:
- Ofcom ✓
-BBC ✓
-broadcasting for the public ✓
- convergence ✓ 
-diversification ✓
-conglomerate ✓

Explain two ways the magazines attract their audiences. refer to your knowledge of MOJO magazines to help you

Mojo magazines attract their audience by including a free CD as a source of entertainment to interest the reader, but also everyone likes to be given free stuff. Another way Mojo magazines draw in a audience is by the colour palate and the different use of artists they use such as with Kate Bush, they use vibrant pink colours to create a feminism feel to contrast with the artist.          4/4

Question 3: (ten marks)

radio example:
explain how and why BBC radio has to provide a wider range of content then commercial radio. refer to the BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge in your answer. 

The BBC has to provide a wider range of content compared to commercial as it is funded by Tv licences for the benefit of the public, but with commercial it makes money by advertising to a mass audience. The BBC, has to meet the remit by using upcoming younger artists to support their music and help them out in becoming more successful, but to also attract their target audience of 15-29 year olds. This was seen when they had stormzy perform in the live lounge with days of rehearsals leading up to it. This is also evident of them using it in interviews between songs as when stormzy was on the BBC, the use of slang was high as phrases such as 'big up" "sick" and "bro'" were continuously used to attract the younger generation as that type of informal language is used on a daily basis. 

Monday 2nd October 2023 

do now:
1- Media language is the way things are presented such as camerawork mise-en-scene, editing and sound
2- The industry a business 
3- Audience is the people who watch/read  what is being produced in the media 
4- Representation is how someone is presented to the audience 
5- context is what is going on at that time 

representation of teenage dirtbag: 
American high school: 
popular girl- close ups and slow motion to represent her importance and that she 'owns the place' 
                  - popular, pretty 
loser- costume
        - editing (shot reverse shot)
        -overlooked (like been given the 'L' sign) 
Jock- costume 
       - close ups on his smile 
       - position of the background characters 

representations of sk8ter Boi: 
rebellious- an illegal gig on top of a car in the middle of the road 
low angle shot to present her as powerful, but to also show respect 
teens- recklessness is seen by graffiti, BMX jumping in buildings, driving. The editing is done with a hand held camera and is fast to match this feeling. 

Music videos create different representations to emphasise the stereotypes and anti-stereotypes in this generation by the use of camerawork. This is seen in the music video sk8ter boi as avril lavigne is seen as a rebellious character because she sets up an illegal gig in the middle of a street -which creates an anti-stereotypical response. This is portrayed by the use of low angle shots to present her as someone who every one respects as she is powerful and has control. In comparison, teenage dirtbag is set in an American high school with a stereotypical female girl dating the famous Jock. This is portrayed by the use of camerawork as they use close ups and slow motion the emphasise her importance to give the effect that she owns the place. 

Music videos use a variety of representations to show to different aspects of lifestyles by the mise-en-scene within the videos. We are shown this when in sk8ter boi, the teens are seen as reckless because of their actions that take place such as them grafting the walls and driving. To emphasise their disobedience. In contrast, teenage dirtbag use very stereotypical clothing to give off a narrative feel to an American high school. 

Monday 9th October 2023 
Lo: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam techniques for Q4 focusing on media language and representation

Do Now:
1- mise-en-scene is the props, costume, lighting, makeup and setting 
2- editing is changing the video/film, ready to be watched as the shots can be edited by the fast pace, reveres shot, slow motion etc...
3- camera work is the different shot types by the angles and movements of the camera 
4- sound can be the non diegetic or diegetic as well as ambient sound, but is generally the sound you hear when watching something
5- narrative is the plot of the video/film you are watching. linear story and non linear 

Q4: analyse the representation of musicians in the extract from mojo magazines.  (5 marks)
media language:
black and white - older- tradition, classic artist, seriousness 
close up - facial expressions to reveal emotions 

'saving his soul'  - alliteration 
'dark knight' 
could portray a troubled past (question his path), depression

The representations in the mojo magazine cover are portrayed to show the feeling of depression by the use of black and white. This presents the magazine to be seen as a tradition for classic artists as it can be seen as a serious due to the scheme of colours. The type of camera shot, is a close up to create a clear image of the mans facial expressions to reveal is blank emotions. This links with the text -lexis as the phrases 'dark knight' and 'saving his soul' connote the feelings of depression as he is also seen to show no feelings by the blank expression on his face. 

Q4: Analyse the representation of age or gender in the extracts from mojo magazine.  (5 marks)

black and white- older- serious classic artist 
closeup- looking up to the man to show dominance and power 
free CD- the cover name is 'murder ballads'  to show seriousness and violence 

'punk before pink' 

The representation of gender in the mojo magazine is clear in the use of media language by creating a dark undertone of dominance and power. We are given this by the close up shot to reveal his serious facial expressions as well as a lower angle to show how men are determined and looked upon and are in power over everyone else.  The use of the free CD with the cover name being 'murder ballads' has the same colour palette within the magazine shows that they are linked to connote imagery of men having a darker undertone. 

Monday 30th October 2023 
Lo:to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5, focusing on meid language and representation. 

Do now:
1- shot type is like close up, mid shot, long shot that is portrayed as a image 
2-typeface is the size and style font that is used 
3- colour palette is the different colours that are used in the cover 
4-lexis is the words that are used 
5-masthead is the name of the magazine 

Question 5:
15 marks 
you must:
-analyse examples of how media language is used differently in the extracts 
-make judgements and reach conclusions about whether there are more similarities due to genre conventions than differences in the extracts 

babyboomer generation-  a person born in the years following the second world war, when there was a temporary marked increase in the birth rate
diversification- the process of varying products 
audience address- how the text speaks to the audience, and involves and influences them 
discerning-having or showing good judgement 
house style- a company's preferred manner of presentation and layout of written material 

media language: 
-is the codes and conventions of music magazine covers (things the audience expect)
-how the media language portrays reality and the connotations from the media language choices 
-layout (the visualisation of the page)
-typography (the style of text) 
-colour palette (the colours used in the cover)
-images (representation of something) 
-lexis (the words that are used on the cover)

1- the layout of the magazine is cluttered 
2-This choice of layout suggests that is not as organised to attract the younger generation as theres a lot going on 
3- the colour palette is saturated 
4-this choice of colour connotes excitement and fun within the magazine 

1-the layout is ordered 
2-this choice of layout suggests that the magazine is calm and organised to attract a more mature older audience 
3-the colour palette is muted 
4-this choice of colour connotes calmness and tranquility 

1-the text is mainly a sans serif font 
2-This choice of font can connote overall seriousness to link with the main image 
3-The font style of the main cover line is bold 
4-The choice of font and colour could connote the importance is is trying to get across. This is due to the fact that the image is in black and white and  the colour palette consists of red, yellow, grey, white and black. this could therefore tell us that the magazine could be old with significance. 

1-the shot type is a long shot 
2- this shot type was used to portray the men in a dominant manner due to the stance they are all in. This could therefore place importance and. show us what the magazine is about 
3- The text uses a informal register as it consists of 'you me at six' 
4-This choice of register suggests that they are targeting the younger audience as they are seen to be 'cool' due to their lack of maturity and care 

1-The shot type is a mid shot 
2-The use of this shot type was used to focus in on what he is wearing and his facial expressions, this therefore gives the audience a mood of him being serious portraying what the magazine is about 
3-The text consists of a informal register as it includes phrases of 'drugs' which shows the audience the artists personality 
4-this register suggests that the magazine is about gangs and rap music as it talks about things that are seen to be 'cool' to the younger generation 

 shot type- medium long shot 
 star vehicle-
 colour palette- black, white, yellow 
  bands/artists mentioned- 
 masthead style- sans serif/bold 

Monday 6th November 2023 
Lo: to explore the exam style questions and practice exam technique for Q5 focusing on media language and representations 

Do Now:
1- babyboomer is the generation born during the following up to the second world war 
2- diversification is the process of varying products 
3- audience address is how the text involves and influences the audience 
4- discerning is having or showing good judgement 
5- house style is the presentation the company prefers. Example, mojo presents it magazines to be full on 

changes in gender 
attitudes to sexuality 
celebrity culture 

1-medium long shot 
2- David bowie 
3-vibrant/pastel colour palette of pink,  purple, white .Feminine and saturated to show that gender stereotypes 
4- 7 artists mentioned + bowie 
5- uppercase, sans serif, shadow, bold interest the predominately male audience
6- uppercase, sans serif, bold, different colours 
7-uppercase, sans serif, bold, black and white 
8- uppercase, serif font, meant to look like its stamped to stand out 
9-pink and white, same as the puff 
10-layout and text placement fits genre and conventions 

The colour palette in the magazine cover, consists of pink, purple and white. These saturated pastel colours connote a sense of feminine vibes towards the audience. These colours are unusual in a rock magazine that normally appeals to a male audience as MOJO are being anti-stereotypical to introduce the different gender types in this generation and that anyone can show interest in rock music to create a wider range of an audience. 

In contrast to the MOJO magazine, the wire magazine has a very different colour palette as it consists of more natural, realistic , day to day colours such as brown, green and white. These muted colours connote a more bland, serious tone within the magazine to highlight and attract a more masculine audience. the two magazines are different due to The mojo magazine portraying more saturated uplifting colours whereas the wire has only neutral colours to link with the main image to attract a more older, mature audience. 

Monday 13th November 2023 
Lo: to research the case study; annotate in detail the examples from the case study

Do Now:
1- The BBC owns radio 1 
2-  TV license funds the BBC
3- ofcom regulates radio 
4- PSB radio is public service broadcasting that is for the benefit of the public 
5- The two types of radio are commercial radio (make money) and PSB 

commercial radio makes money through the use of adverts 

artist- Olivia Dean 
episode date-  24th October for the Live Lounge 

songs: original and cover-  dive Olivia's song, sings cuff it by Beyoncé (tells us that she is talented and confident as Beyoncé is known for good vocal singing) this means it attracts a wider audience via Beyoncé 
guest info- 24 years old, English, worked with rudimental before and is her first solo on the live lounge 
quotes from the show to remember-  'real deal' , 'nah', 'man', 'joker', 'collab'
appeal to TA-  her age, slang, informal language and fun, the chat between the younger artists and younger presenters 
inform, entertain and educate- entertaining through live music and live band, standing ovation for her performance 
innovative and cutting edge new Uk music- new music for jungle in between ( a UK band)

who does it appeal to?
15-29 year olds 
how does it appeal?
by using slang and fun/informal language and younger artists/ presenters 
which kind of audience are targeted her?
younger audience 
how else do radio 1 appeal to the audience?
having live music and using upcoming artists (remit)
how is commercial radio different?
more serious as its purpose is to make money ( from advertising) 
who are their audience?
no specific age band as it is a mass audience 
how do they appeal to the audience?
use older presenters and formal language (talk about politics etc...) 

she meets the remit by being in the age boundary, from the UK, is an upcoming artist, provides entertainment with performing live, is also interviewed  

Monday 20th November 2023 
Lo: to explore the exam style question for music magazine and music video 

Do Now:
1- genre codes are the category which it falls under through the type of signs (magazine, music, radio through masthead etc...) 
2- intertextuality is the reference to another media text e.g batman 
3- Typography is the font style of text 
4- connotations are the suggestions (meanings) against its literal meaning 
5- lexis is the type of words used 
6- the contextual issues that might reflect to the magazines in today could be more gender equality, multicultural society, technological focus, internet, consumerist, celebrity 

main image- female, young, revealing clothing, direct audience address in the image (as she is looking straight at the audience)
colour palette- yellow, warm, golden, saturated to give the idea of her wealth/ respect 
masthead- sans serif, modern, lower case,  suggests that it is colloquial, relaxed and informal 
layout- simplified to fit in with the masthead 

main image- 4 men (band), fairly young, older suits, mid shot, non-direct address (performance), focus on live music, lack of sexualisation of men 
colour palette- saturated, bright, rainbow to reflect the 60s psychedelic nature
masthead- sans serif, white, clean, modern, upper case to show a sense of it shouting 
layout- cluttered as there is an overload in information  

the media language is used differently in these two magazines by how it is presented. for example with the billboard magazine,  a young female artist is presented with revealing clothing, but direct audience address is used to show that she is looking straight at the audience. This is different to MOJO magazine. as there are 4 older men that are well dressed in looking suits  that look like they are from the 60s, there is no use of direct audience address which suggests that they are more focused on their live music. 

The colour palette also plays a strong role in the magazines being different as in the billboard magazine it consists of warm saturated, golden yellow colours to represent the artists wealth and significance of her wealth and royalty. Whereas with MOJO magazine, they also use saturated colours, but it consists of rainbow colours to reflect the 60s psychedelic nature not wealth. Both magazines have a masthead with sans serif font, but are both used differently to get across different meanings. This is because billboard use lower case letters to portray a more relaxed, colloquial feeling whereas MOJO us uppercase with white to present the magazine to be more clean and modern, but to also contradict a sense of shouting. 

In conclusion, these two magazines have different media language due to the choice of artist they are presenting by the use of the colour palette to connote different meanings to link with the main image. 

Music Video:
teenage dirtbag:
popular groups 'jocks'  they are respected 
-mise-en-scene (shot type, costume, props, facial expressions)
Geeks are not respected and are seen as victims of bullying 
setting in a American school

sk8ter Boi:
rebellion- fun, energetic
female leader- respected, anti-stereotypical 
setting in a city 

mise-en-scene- props, setting, facial expressions 
camera shots- angles to make avril and the jocks look important 
editing- natural for teenage dirtbag, fast paced for sk8ter boi 
sounds- diegetic and non-diegetic 
narrative- performance for sk8ter boi and story for teenage dirtbag 


  1. 5/6- Good analysis of the genre and the cover, T: 3 link the examples that you have picked out to the audience appeal, how do they appeal?

  2. 18/9: Great notes from the lessons. :T2: keep practicing applying U&G theory to texts.

  3. 9/10- Great analysis here. T: 3.Add another paragraph to expand your answer


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