Music industry

Live Lounge

Monday 3rd October 2022

Commercial radio- selling, advertising, make money, mass/large audience 
PSB radio- BBC= benefits of the public, act for profit, TV license-funds radio

When listening to the radio, i didn't get any audience engagement or topic conversations even though i think they talked about love island  

Monday 17th October 2022

Public service radio 

Radio for benefit of the public:
BBC-Educate, inform and entertain 
Funding- public- TV license 

BBC Radio 2 
news,weather and traffic-
topics of conversations-
audience engagement-

Monday 7th November 2022
Lo: to research the case study and artists involved annotate in detail the examples from the case study 

Case Study

Tom Grennan:
background-He comes from an Irish family. Is a English singer and songwriter from Bradford and is based in London. Found fame as the guest vocalist on Chase and status 'all goes wrong' in 2016 
awards he won- best indie -2018-, emerging artist of the year -2019-, best rock/alternative act -2022-
genre- alterenative/indie 

Monday 21st November 2022 
Lo:we will be covering the radio industry and audiences 

public service broadcasting is 

1. National radio stations the BBC operates 10 stations 
2. they operate 50 regional radio stations 
3.they are funded by a license fee 
4. commercial= cable or satellite 
5. 5 different uk commercial radio stations:
-BBC 1 (15-29)
-BBC 2 (35+)
-BBC 4 (56)
-heart (25-44)
-capital (15-34)
6-They can listen to BBC radio 1 on the radio, phone, computer, TV, Alexa, car 

Radio 1-  (15-29)
Radio 2- ( 35+)
Radio 4- (54) 

This image, suggests that the target audience is for the younger generation this is because of the genre of the music being played. Like Stormzy is hip-hop/grime artist 

political context is when older generation don't like younger generation music 

Radio 1- talks about politics,protests,  football, instillation, safety bill, strike,  homeless people etc... 
Hip-hop, rock,  pop music etc...  to spike the interest of the younger generation 

Monday 5th December 2022 
Lo: to explore the BBC radio contextual issues and the audience behind the live lounge

BBC Radio 1: Remit recap 
entertain young listeners 
15-29 year olds 
live music
young adults 
emerging (new)

In this image, the use of vibrant colours reflects to the fun entertainment that is in the radio show. This makes it more attractive to the target audience of young adults. All three presenters are also smiling to make it look more welcoming and reassuring even though they are dressed in black -which makes them look more presentable as it is a neutral colour. 

BBC Radio 1 use hip-hop and jazz music -which the younger generation has been brought up in. 

political context
Funded by TV license (BBC argument)
-reflect diversity by presenters and cater for all 
-15-29 younger audience as no one else does that 
-live music on live lounge 

Not funded (political decision makers)
-mainstream music doesn't educate or inform 

Convergence- media convergence is a term that can refer to the merging of previously distinct media technologies and media forms due to digitisation and computer networking. 

what advantage is there for the BBC, Vevo or the audience?
BBC-It is more accessible as there are websites and apps meaning they earn more money
Vevo- more quality of a show 
Audience- watch it anywhere 

Ofcom regulates radio (checks if the radio is ok) 

Monday 16th January 2023

Live Lounge appeal and format 

The benefits of broadcasting on two channels is to expand your audience. 

Ricky, Melvin and Charlie
background- currently host the live lounge. Hedges hosted the breakfast show at kiss for ten years with Rickie Haywood-Williams and Melvin Odoom. The trio is known as Ricky,Melvin and Charlie. 
The live lounge is also the name of a room in the radio 1 studios where many of the performances are broadcast.
Artists are filmed in an intimate radio studio,acoustically,often with little production rehearsal. They normally perform one or two of their own songs and then a unique cover from a list radio 1 artist who has had a release in the last six to nine months. Artists normally perform a cover song that is a contrast to their known genre. 

Uses and Gratification 
Personal identity- relate to the presenters who are similar age, interests in music. Identify with the artist. 
Information- background information about the artist, up and coming events.
Entertainment- enjoy the live music
Social interaction- people can discuss the performance afterwards 

BBC Radio 1 Live Lounge:
You can access the radio, sport, revision, news and weather 
The artists that are mentioned are for the next day as they change each time 
Other Lounge products available are 

Live performance is regarded as more culturally significant than simply playing records. It is also more expensive. 
Commercially successful music such as mainstream pop is considered less important my media producers then music specialised audience. Classical music is considered to be more artistic than pop.  

Stormzy notes:
3 days preparation- wages for people involved in performance and production 
6 professional singers- employed as backing singers- introduced to the song and have to learn the words, how to perform it and the melody
Musical director- make a recorded song, translate to live performance. Added instruments, singers. Works with the best in the business. 
Stormzy and his featuring performer. 

How does the live lounge appeal to the target audience and meet the BCC remit?

The Live Lounge appeals to the audience through the presenters that are used. An example of this is seen when the BBC use younger presenters to make the audience relate to their interests and music taste. This ensures that it targets the younger audience by also using slang words such as 'bro','bruv' and 'lads' to catch the younger peoples interests.This fits into the BBC remit as it engages the younger audience rather then the older audiences as the language meets the younger generations vocabulary. They target this range of audience to meet the rit to get the funding. 

The Live Lounge carries out entertainment by providing a live platform for every artist to play live after the show to keep the audience entertained and excited. They do this by singing their own track and cover to engage with the younger audience and feature up-going artists. 

Monday 30th January 2023 

The Live Lounge uses champion uk artists to support up and coming uk artists who aren't that well known for example Inhaler and Rony played their first lounge this year.  

Exam format: 
who regulates radio in the UK? Ofcom
who owns radio 1? BBC 
what is public service broadcasting? benefits to the public 

media convergence 
The word that describes a large company which owns a set of companies that produces different media forms is vertical integration 

one source of funding for the BBC Radio 1 is TV license 

The radio stations target their audiences by using slang words like 'bro' to engage with the age range of 15-29 as well as younger presenters to make the audience relate to them more. 

The radio stations meet the requirements of the PSB by entertaining the public by including a live lounge for people to listen to music live anywhere they like. 

One way the audiences are active is when they do competitions such as phone in do engage with the show. The opposite of this is passive and this is when presenters are having conversations with artists and the audiences just engage in what they are saying. 

The BBC has to provide a wider range of audience content compared to commercial radio because they support younger up-coming artists to perform in the live lounge as they can afford it and have to as they have to meet the remit. For example it took 3 days of rehearsals for the Stormzy live performance in the live lounge. This makes the audience engage with the radio platform due to including more entertainment. 

Monday 20th February 
Lo: to reflect on areas to improve in the assessment 

identify the word that describes a large company which owns a set of companies that produced different media forms = conglomerate 

Bauer media owns radio stations as well as magazines. identify the word that describes adding other areas of business in this way= diversification 

identify one source of funding for the BBC= TV license 

two marks would be given for the opening sentence, which explain how radio stations target audiences. Two marks would be given for the following sentences, which exemplify different use of targeting in radio 1 live lounge. 

make points about how the BBC radio provides wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit. 

Radio 1 support a large range of audience by:
Supporting emerging artists this is seen when inhaler and Rony played their first song in the Live Lounge this year
provides contemporary music currently released to offer a range of new music which is up to date

The BBC radio provides a wider range of content than commercial radio by targeting a younger  audience. This is seen when they use emerging artists to support them in their music. For example, Inhaler and Rony played their first song in the live lounge this year (2023) this then means it meets the remit because it has included a range of new and different range of music. 

Monday 6th March 2023 
Lo:to research the case study and artists involved

age-34 years old
genre- hip hop/rap
from- Michigan, united states 
background- lived in Detroit till she was ten then moved to Houston with her family. After college she moved to Minneapolis to begin her recording career in hip hop music. 
awards- won 22
current songs/albums- truth hurts (2019) 

live lounge- 
original song- special , covers topics of injustice and gender inequality 
cover song- Sam Smith ,unholy, caused controversy when it first came out and acknowledged topical issues in society. 
she informs, educates and entertains as she's been on the live lounge for the 4th time. Plays the flute to show her skills. This shows she is successful and famous.
Quotes-"Im a busy woman" abbreviation of words by presenters, slang is also used e.g 'amazing' 
targets audience- Kendrick Lamar on the playlist, similar genre to Lizzo, young audience. Talks about 

1- Lizzo shared her information about her collaboration. She also entertains by her comedy to the presenters. performs Special and did a cover song of unholy by Sam Smith.
2- makes the young audience relate to her more 
3- new artists are brought in to the live lounge, cover and original song were recently released 
4-introduce new artists on the live lounge 
5- artists use musical instruments whilst singing live (Lizzo also uses a flute)
6- Stormzy performs live 
7- talks about their background of their own song and how they loved their cover song 

Music Videos

Wednesday 25th January 2023 
Lo: to explore this section of the unit and research chosen case studies

Expect to see in a music video:
-people dancing, singing  
-depends on the music genre for example pop music could be set in a studio

'Sk8er Boi' by Avril Lavigne (2002)
performance plus some narrative
genre- pop-punk
song is about- her rocker boyfriend and a girl he knew in high school who rejected him because he was a skateboarder. Five years later, the Sk8er Boi is famous and the girl who rejected him is living a boring, unfilled life, ruminating on time when he was into her.
In the video- sets up an illegal gig in the middle of the city and sings of the hood of a car. 
music video imagery-shows her identity, imagery and personality due to her actions and style. For example smashing her guitar on her car.

'Teenage Dirtbag' by Wheatus (2000)
narrative and performance
genre- american skater rock 
song is about- a girl who doesn't seem to notice him until the end when she asks him to go to the concert with her at the school prom. This song is well known for the relatable lyrics about an unrequited high school romance. The song is a metaphor about two people who are unlikely to be together when in reality they should be together. Although their outside appearance differs, they have what it takes to be a couple, but because the girl is to blind to see the true side of him. 
purpose of the video-  to show teenagers are rebellious.  Promote the artists musical prowess from the concert at the end at the prom

Wheatus: narrative and performance and avril.
narrative of teenage dirtbag- he likes a girl who doesn't know him who has a popular boyfriend. They both go to prom together, but then wakes up. 
Lavigne: performance and some narrative. 
narrative of s8ier boi- her and her band mates and set up an illegal gig outside in the middle of the city streets and was taken away by the police. 

contentions of performance videos:
-live performance
-main focus on artist or band
-perform to camera 

conventions of narrative videos:
-video tells a story
-usually filmed and edited like a movie
-story often matches lyrics 
-doesn't always feature artist 

Wednesday 8th February 2023 
Lo: to examine the use of media language in music videos 

-hair and make-up

The amount of jewellery shows her wealth and thats she's really rich. Meaning she is successful this is shown by the look of the bathroom (gold taps) and she is living in luxury. She has also been styled with makeup, hair and nails. 

Mise-en-scene:case study videos 
 Avril Lavigne- 

In this photo, it is located in an abandoned house which shows that she is up to no good -trespassing- due to the dark lighting.The tattoo on her right arm and spiky bracelets tell us that she is rebellious rebel or punk as they spray paint the walls and throwing a gig in the streets. The hat on back to front tells us that she is like a tomboy as her choice of styling her clothes -which gives her a skate border style. This picture stereotypes rebellious teenagers. 
In the music video its set in America in the streets, this is seen due to the buildings and taxis. 

In this picture, it shows that the setting is in school because of the lockers and him holding books in his hand. Him holding books connotes that he is a geek/nerd. The choice in clothing, such as the coloured t-shirt with a childish picture on tells us that he may be seen as a loser in school as everyone else is dressed appropriately to their age. 
The girl is made to look popular but bright and caring because she is seen carrying around books etc...

Wednesday 1st March 2023 
Lo:to examine the use of media language in music videos 

Do Now: 
Elements of mise-en-scene:
low key lighting to create a dark/sad mood to link with the lyrics and what happens in the video.
the time period of this video is old because of what is used such as old fashion televisions , record player and clothing
The setting is by the sea to help create a narrative in the visuals 

Avril Lavigne and her friends are dressed like skaters. This is achieved by using non-feminine, studded bracelets and dark clothing. This could suggest to the audience that they are rebellious and anti-establishment. 
In Avril Lavigne's music video, it is set in a city in America. We know this as we are shown shots of the streets and tall buildings (skyscrapers). In my opinion the video is set here because in the narrative of the video they are setting up an illegal gig and links to the punk rock conventions of skaters. 

In teenage dirtbag, the boy is dressed to stereotype as a loser or a geek this is seen when at the start of the music video he is wearing a trapper hat, a iron madden t-shirt and a winter coat to show that he isn't one of the cool kids that fits in and is different to others. Mise-en-scene creates an narrative for each character in the clip. 

The music videos Avril Lavigne's Sk8er Boi and Wheatus' Teenage Dirtbag use setting and costume to achieve similar effects.  For example in S8er Boi, they use studded bracelets , caps and non-feminine clothing to create a rebellious, punk/rock mood to stereotype skaters. This links in with the setting in an american city to create a clear visual of the narrative that is about skate culture. 

Camera work 

Shot type

Wednesday 8th March 2023
Lo: To explore how camerawork is used to create meaning in music videos 

1- long shot
2- This camera shot is used to show the setting and the personality of the artist and her friends that she is playful like a kid -which is seen by them riding the kids bikes and cars. 
3- the clothes that are used are similar to each others as they are all wearing bright colours this suggests that they are all friends (gang) 

1-  because of the long shot/wide shot that was used in this photo it shows the setting which looks like a  dessert -which connotes heat, dry, isolation,
loneliness etc...
2- being isolated 
3- The long shot that was used is to portray the setting clearly and to show that she is alone. 

Naturalistic- most common style of camera work. Shots are either fixed or handheld for realism or have subtle slower movements 
this is seen in teenage dirtbag 
Expressionistic- More common and artistic/creative use of camera shots and movement. Often shows extreme angels or quick movements 
this is seen in S8ter Boi to create realism, excitement 

shot type- point of view 
it is used to tell us that the camera man is not in love with the pretty blonde girl but with Avril Lavigne instead. This portrays that she is now the big star 

shot type- long shot/wide shot
it is used to show the background and the sign to portray that he is lonely and isolated as no one is around him because they don't like him. 

its is used to show the  power Avril Lavigne has as she is controlling the crowd/audience due to her being the star (important and popular) 
it is used to show how the people are powerful and bigger to portray their popularity and compare each character to stereotypes. 

angel-dutch tilt 

In S8ter Boi, there are a lot of different shots and angles that are used in the music video 
Adjectives to describe the camera work: ecstatic, thrilling, chaotic, frenetic, energetic, realistic 
The camera movement in S8ter Boi is expressionistic. For example, at one point in the video, Avril Lavigne is controlling an illegal gig in the middle of the streets. The high angle camerawork, fits the tone of the song because it shows her popularity and importance. 

Video producers use camerawork to help construct identity of Avril Lavigne by using a lot of different shot types and angels to create a realistic, energetic feeling for the people who are watching. For example, the use of a high angle close to the end when Avril Lavigne is singing on the car in the middle of the street portrays her importance and status of being the star of the show. It also shows that she has power and control over the audience/crowd -who are seen to admire her by the type of long shot as well as the angle. 

in teenage dirtbag 
Adjectives to describe the camera work: natural, smooth, calm   
The camera movement in teenage dirtbag is naturalistic. For example, at one point in the video, they include a popular gang of boys walking through the hallway. The low angle camerawork, fits the tone of song because it portrays their popularity and power over people. 

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 
Lo:To explore how sound and editing are used to create meaning in music videos 

Diegetic- sounds that the characters can hear
Non-diegetic- sounds that the characters cannot hear and are outside the world of film 

Teenage dirtbag, the only diegetic sound used is the sound of the car hitting the bike knocking his bike over.  To maybe connect the narrative with the song. 

S8ter Boi-  traffic, spray can, unclipping a rope, smashing of glass, helicopter, police sirens to add realism and set a setting of a city. To show the anti-establishment within the music video. 

special effects 
pace and rhythm 
shot duration 
order of shots/shot choices 

The editing pace of the shots are faster to match the beat of the song in S8ter Boi 
The editing pace is slower and longer shots so that we can see the narrative in Teenage dirtbag 

They both use linear continuity editing -shots are in order to tell a narrative.

events are edited/presented in chronological order
(beginning,middle and end) 
out of order editing,no clear distinction of time so events are cut up and rearranged

In music videos, they use camerawork to differ from each other to create a narrative and meaning for each song, but also the musician's image. For example S8ter Boi is an expressionistic music video because it shows extreme angles and quick movements to create realism for the audience this is seen when they use high angles and close ups. Meanwhile with Teenage dirtbag, it is a naturalistic because of natural camera shots, the camera work is also slower to show the narrative clearly. 

Wednesday 19th  April 2023 
Lo: to explore how representations are constructed in music videos 

male: physically strong, dominant/aggressive, tattoos, go out to work, military, blue, short hair,decisive, tough, blunt
female:weak, cooking/housework , drawing, makeup, pink, jewellery,long hair , indecisive, emotional,gentle, tactful, submissive 

Objectification is the action of degrading someone to the status of a mere object 
sexual objectification is when a male/female views another male/female primarily as an object of sexual desire, rather than a person (physical appearance/attractiveness is focused on. 

skater boi:
heteronormative attitude towards sexuality towards love. 
woman are dressed up as school girls for the male audience 
teenagers are seen as rebellious and antiestablishment by the actions of pushing past people, jumping on cars (vandalism) not wearing seat belts. BMX skateboarding that was popular at that time period. Seen to be disturbing as they are seen as rule breakers. 
artist is represented as a naughty, quirky, every day rebel by the choice of baggy clothes and seen as a naughty kid that like to brake the rules. Seen as bold, powerful and aggressive by her speaking straight to the camera. The music video has a convention of punk/rock by the use of smashing cars, police getting involved etc... The low angle that is used at the end when she looks up at the helicopter tit creates a halo effect to show she is important and seen as she has power. 

Teenage dirtbag: 
The band is dressed up in casual clothes and are in a school hall to show that they are the stars of the show and the crowd that is seen to be jumping and seen to be enjoying the music. The boy in the video is seen to be shy and nervous which is seen by his love interests. seen as an underdog and a victim of bullying by people holding up the loser sign as he passes . By the high camera actions it portrays that he is small and isolated he also wears a ruffled shirt at the prom to show that he doesn't fit in and that he's seen as a geeky character. The crowd parting to let the jock and the girl through tells us that they are popular and important. reference to iron maiden to target the older audience.  
The theme of this music video is wanting to fit in. This is to target the teenagers that can relate to this feeling and not wanting to be excluded from everyone else. Love is seen to be obtainable and complicated. 

In both videos the American ethnicity is shown to have a predominantly white audience.

Wednesday 26th April 2023 
Lo:to explore and practice exam style questions 


NOTES: good notes on both case studies

WWW: excellent use of terminology and specific, detailed examples from the videos to support your ideas
EBI: link the effect to the overall representation


Four mark question: 
Compare how gender representation are constructed in music videos 
refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer 

Gender representation is constructed to be un stereotypical in s8ter boi. This is portrayed by the artist in the music video when she wears baggy, dark clothing to give an effect of being a skater and to fit in with the rebellious teenager side. This makes woman in this video to be seen as antiestablishment by her vandalising cars and buildings, but also being aggressive and disturbing. In teenage dirtbag, woman are portrayed to be very feminism due to the editing of slow motion and the type of clothes being used. For example at the end, the girl is seen to be wearing a red dress to prom as well as her wearing tight fitting clothes throughout the video. This represents the stereotypical modern day females. This insinuates the both videos contrast each other as S8ter boi is represented to be a tomboy meanwhile teenage dirtbag the girl is seen to be wearing typical feminism properties. 

10 mark question:
Explain how stereotypes are used in music videos refer to two music videos you have studied to support your answer. 

Stereotypes are used in music videos because they are easily recognisable and so that its helps the audience understand the narrative. For example, in S8ter Boi, they use stereotypical representation of males as active, rule-breakers and interested in girls. This is shown through them often skating, biking or driving, often in places they shouldn't be (like on the roof-tops), and filming the pretty girl in the car. This fits in with the teenage stereotypes hat are also used in the music video. For example, they are seen as rebellious and antiestablishment by their actions of spray painting and the use of police at the end. This is also portrayed by the low camera angles that are used constantly throughout to insinuate their power and importance. 
This is similar to Teenage Dirtbag when they use different groups such as the populars, the jocks and the nerds. This is portrayed by the camera actions, as the boy in the video -who is seen as a loser by how people treat him- they use high camera angles to present him as being isolated and small -which would make the audience feel like they relate to him and sorry for him. Another example of the boy being a geek was seen through what he wears. This is shown at the end when he was in prom everyone was wearing smart black suits and he was wearing a old ruffled shirt which could be seen that he doesn't fit in like the rest. In the music video, the girls were seen to be stereotypical through what they wore, such as tight clothing and dresses. 

November 2023 PPE

Do Now:
film- BBFC
Tv and Radio- OfCom
magazines and newspapers- IPSO and IMPRESS 
video games- video standard council 

Question 2:
4 marks 

Question 3: 
Themes/ issues:
-positive and negative romance 
-rebellion in teens 

Question 4:
representation is how someone or something is represented 
social group- male, female, sexuality, race, age is presented 

The MOJO magazine image of the man is seen to be more serious as he is pulling a stern facial expression, whereas extract one is represented as a less serious magazine as her facial expressions are less serious 

mojo- rock, serious, confrontational 
classical- calm relaxed, sophisticated 

Question 5:
need a conclusion 
media language used is very different, which creates different messages. 
main image 

Monday 20th May 2024 

Exam Revision:
regulates radio in the UK- Ofcom
owns Radio 1- BBC 
Public service broadcasting- benefits the public/ inform, educate and entertain 
convergence= merging two separate media forms 

representation of the two music videos:
Sk8ter boi- teenage rebellion, city life, 
teenage dirtbag- American school life, teenage love drama 

how and why producers of programmes target different audiences:
to have a wider audience 
Live lounge needs to meet the remit ( support upcoming artists, target 15-29 year olds, inform, educate and entertain)
So that the advertising can be funded as it the adverts will appeal and match the target audience 
political conversations for the older audience 

Live Lounge:
BBC Radio 1, Presenters are Ricky, Melvin and Charlie. They are in their early 30s to reflect the younger target audience. Use of slang words like 'big up' 'sick', less formal language. Support and promote British artists 

colour palette- blue, yellow. fun and upbeat 
main image- gothic style, to represent the olden days. Dark makeup and. scruffy hair contrasts with the colour palette 

need a conclusion!
changes in gender roles
attitudes to sexuality
celebrity culture 

In conclusion, the media language used is different in each magazine by the use of different colour palette, main image, layout and lexis to portray two types of genres. 



  1. 10/10- 1: You need to ensure that you have notes in all the boxes for your radio analysis. Please add a comment into each box.

  2. 16/1- Good structure, T: give specifics of who says what from the show you listened to and 4. Now complete a second paragraph with another reason as to why it attracts the audience and meets the remit.

  3. 6/2- Q3: Make more points about how the BBC Radio provide wider content on their radio stations, give examples on Radio 1 and why they have to do this linked to the remit.


    NOTES: good notes on both case studies

    WWW: excellent use of terminology and specific, detailed examples from the videos to support your ideas
    EBI: link the effect to the overall representation



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